The execution of the “Time Stamp” procedure requires an active account in the service. Before the commencement of any task, please log – in to your personal account.
After logging in, you click on the tab “Time Stamp” from the main menu, and the system will take you to the main page of the service where you may:
- see all the works that you have already timestamped;
- proceed to the timestamping of a new work;
- verify the files related to works for which you have already concluded the “Time Stamp” procedure;
- see and modify your account details and settings.
I want to see all the works towards which I have used the “Time Stamp” service
Clicking on the option “My Works” from the “Time Stamp” page, the system will take you to the page including the list of the works that you have already timestamped. Clicking on the title of each work, you may see the relevant information with regard to this specific work. You may download anew all the files that the system produced during the timestamping of the file submitted by clicking on the download links at the right - hand side of the page; these files are the identity of the submitted file, its timestamping, as well as the respective certificate.
One useful function is “search”; you may find easily and promptly a work by typing a key-word on the search box.
I want to use the “Time Stamp” process for a new work
- Step 1 – Information on the Work and the Uploading of the File
If you wish to proceed to the timestamping of a new work, you need to click on the tab “New work”.
A form will appear, in which you fill in all the information related to the work you wish to timestamp. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. You need to fill in the title of the work, a brief description (optional), its type (whether it consists an artistic or a literary work, etc.), and last, whether the work is an individual or a collective work. Following this, you click on the “Submission” button, in order to browse to your local disc and temporarily upload the file you wish to submit.
IMPORTANT: In this step, you are recommended to upload a copy of the file that includes your work. Moreover, upon the completion of the process, you must save the file you wish to timestamp; this file cannot, in any case, be further prοcessed.
In a case where the file submitted is (re)processed, you will not be able to verify it.
The size of the file will be automatically calculated from the system, and you will be respectively informed on the cost of the service. Afterwards, you move on to the next step, the payment of the cost.
- Step 2 –Payment
You are required to choose the kind of the card that you will use for the payment of the relevant cost. In order for the payment to be successfully delivered, you will be redirected to the website of Eurobank, where you will be asked to fill in your card details. This data is neither introduced, nor stored -in any case- on the server of the website Following the completion of this process, and insofar as the payment is verified by the bank, you will return to the website of “Time Stamp” service, where you will be able to proceed to the next step.
- Step 3 – Downloading files
In this step, insofar as the payment of the cost required has been verified, you will be asked to download to your local disc and keep the files produced during the “Time Stamp” process. You will receive the files in a zip folder (.zip). These files are the following:
The Identity of the Submitted File
It is the file named “id_hash”. Do not attempt to open this file, since its format is not readable. It is only used for the verification of the file submitted, following the process that will be later analyzed.
Timestamping of a Submitted File
It is the file named id_tst. Do not attempt to open this file, since its format is not readable. It is only used for the verification of the file submitted, following the process that will be later analyzed.
The “Time Stamp” certificate is comprised by two pdf files. The file named id_CertGR.pdf concerns the certificate in Greek, while the file named id_CertEN.pdf is the same certificate provided in English. You may open these files and print them, if you wish.
It is a certificate carrying Hellenic Copyright Organization’s (OPI) digital signature, on which your full name will appear, together with the identity of the file you have submitted, as well as the specific date that has been attributed to this file.
This certificate is intended to be used for personal purposes and it is not necessary during the verification procedure.
In the case where the verification of the submitted file will be necessitated, this operation may exclusively proceed via the electronic verification process, as detailed below, and not through the certificate.
The first two files (id_hash και id_tst), together with the file you have submitted at the commencement of the procedure and which includes your work, are necessarily required for the verification of the “Time Stamp” process, further serving as the means for proof of the specific file’s timestamping. As a result, all the aforementioned files shall be saved in a folder and shall not be modified for any reason.
IMPORTANT: The system does not save the file including your work and which has been submitted in order to be timestamped. You should attend to the safe saving of the submitted file on your own storage devices.
IMPORTANT: You shall not, in any case, modify or edit any of these three files. In the case where any modification occurs, irrespective of how small it may be, the verification of these files cannot be successfully accomplished, and the timestamping procedure concluded becomes useless, thus not producing any effect.
I want to verify an already timestamped work
Clicking on the “Verification” button in “My Works” page, you will be able to verify the timestamping of any of your works. This process aims at documenting the possession of the work submitted on the system on the particular date and time appeared in the relevant certificate.
You will be asked to upload separately each of the three files you have saved in relation to the particular work. First, you will be asked to upload the file containing your work, which was submitted for timestamping. Then, you need to upload the identity file (id_hash), and last, the timestamp of the submitted file (id_tst). Since the uploading of these files is completed, you will receive a confirmation of the compatibility (or not) of these files. If the files had not been modified, it is expected that they are compatible to each other, and as a result, the timestamping of the file appearing at the certificate is proved.
I want to modify my Account Settings
By clicking on the tab “My Account” in the “Time Stamp” page, you will be able to manage and modify your account details, as well as the invoicing data you had inserted on the system during the creation of your account.